Kraft Creates Candy-Flavored Mac and Cheese for Valentine’s Day
Kraft Creates Candy-Flavored Mac and Cheese for Valentine’s Day

Kraft Creates Candy-Flavored Mac and Cheese for Valentine’s Day.

Kraft-Heinz announced the new creation on Jan.


To show you how much we love you, we made you something special for Valentine’s Day, Candy Kraft Macaroni & Cheese.

This limited-edition flavor boost will romance your noodles with a new pink color and make them taste like candy, Kraft-Heinz, via statement.

The Valentine’s Day concoction gets its themed hue from a packet of powder that contains beetroot and carrot concentrates.


The packet’s candy flavor comes from a mix of fructose, natural flavors and vanilla extract.


These neon noodles can only be won via an online contest that runs now through Feb.



A thousand lucky winners in the U.S. will receive a box of Original Mac & Cheese and a packet of pink, candy-flavored powder.