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Sunday, June 9, 2024

Down to two in Tupelo mayor race

Credit: WTVA ABC Tupelo, MS
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Down to two in Tupelo mayor race
Down to two in Tupelo mayor race

On June 8th voters will go back to the polls and make their decision on who to vote for the new mayor of Tupelo.

Running to be the next mayor of tupelo.

Wtva's chelsea brown caught up with one to speak about what he has planned now.

On june 8th voters will go back to the polls and make their decision on who to vote for.

I spoke with the canidates in the mayor race today about how they feel about the upcoming election.

Victor fleitas- mayor canidate "i'm certain we are going to have points of agreement, certainly there will be some points where we will have to agree to disagree" victor fleitas and todd jordan will both be in the general election in june.

Todd jordan was busy today and unable to interview in person but i pulled some video from his facebook.

"i look forward to representing the republican in the general election"nats victor fleitas says he wants to participate in debates leading victor fleitas says he wants to participate in debates leading up to the general election.

"we have a responsible to be accessible to the voters and i think that those debates or forums should be live streamed."

Todd jordan said to his supporters tuesday night after winning the primary, the campain isnt finished just yet.

"two months from now of hard work, i know a lot of yall are tired of walking but i'm going to ask you to walk a little bit more."

Whoever wins will be sworn in on july 1st and will start their new job as mayor.

Live in tupelo, chelsea brown, wtva 9 news.

Meanwhile, the city

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