Daily Covid-19 Minute: Ketchup Shortage
Daily Covid-19 Minute: Ketchup Shortage

Throughout the pandemic there have been shortages of many household staples including toilet paper, sanitizing wipes, and paper towels to name a few.

But the latest to fall short of demand is ketchup!

Ketchup retail sales were over $1 billion dollars in 2020, about 15% higher than 2019.

What would account for the spike?

First, many restaurants switched over to delivery during the pandemic and handed out ketchup packets to customers with their food.

Ketchup packets were also used by diners at restaurants because the CDC advised against using shared ketchup bottles.Heinz, which holds nearly 70% of the US retail market for ketchup, says they’re playing catch-up.

They’re opening two new manufacturing lines this month and hope to increase production by 25% over the course of 2021.

Meaning they’ll be making more than 12 billion ketchup packets a year.

So, for all the ketchup lovers out there, do not fear.

Help is on the way.