Reusable Cups Return to Starbucks
Reusable Cups Return to Starbucks

Reusable Cups, Return to, Starbucks.

Beginning June 22, Starbucks will once again allow customers to bring their own reusable cups.

Customers who bring their own cup will still get a 10 cent discount on their drink.

There is also a new contactless procedure, in which a barista transports the reusable cup in a store ceramic mug.


To use a personal cup, it must already be clean when presented to the barista.

The customer holds onto their lid and places the open container in the mug.


The barista then carries the cup to the drink-assembly area to make the drink.


Once the beverage is ready, the customer lifts their cup out of the mug and puts the lid back on.

According to their corporate website, Starbucks aims to reduce waste by 50% by 2030