A disabled chick and a bulldog love to snuggle up together!
A disabled chick and a bulldog love to snuggle up together!

A disabled chick and a hulking bulldog love to snuggle up together after becoming "best pals".

Little Cross Beak was born with a genetic deformity that means his top and bottom beaks are growing in opposite directions.

As a result, he lives indoors with his owners, their five little children - and ten-year-old pooch Bullseye.

Over the past month, the aptly-named Cross Beak and Bullseye have struck up the most unlikely and affectionate friendship.

Every day when the baby bird is let out for food he can be seen hopping up onto his pal's shoulder, where he sits for minutes on end.

Bullseye positions his enormous body so that the eight-week-old bantam can hop on and patiently sits there enjoying the good company.

Owner Portia Bowman, 29, said: "We couldn't believe it when we first saw Cross Beak just sitting on Bullseye, it was so funny.

"He seems to have taken a real shining to him.

"Cross Beak will jump onto his bed when he's sleeping and get nice and comfy, while Bullseye sits there really still.

"I don't know whether it's for warmth or just closeness but they seem to enjoy themselves.

"We all love watching it, it's hilarious."