Hyundai’s hydrogen fuel cell plan
Hyundai’s hydrogen fuel cell plan

Hyundai said on Tuesday it plans to offer hydrogen fuel cell versions for all its commercial vehicles by 2028 and will cut the price of fuel cell vehicles to battery electric levels two years later.

The group, which comprises Hyundai Motor Co and Kia Corp, currently has one fuel cell bus and one fuel cell truck, the Xcient Hyundai, on the market.

There are 115 of the buses on the road in South Korea and 45 of the trucks in operation after they were rolled out in Switzerland last year.

"The goal is to make hydrogen readily used for everyone, everything, and everywhere.

We want to offer practical solutions for the sustainable development of humanity and with these breakthroughs, we aim to help foster a worldwide Hydrogen Society by 2040.” Said Hyundai Group Chairman Euisun Chung.