Hacks to reduce toddler pacifier habbit
Hacks to reduce toddler pacifier habbit

TikToker Catherine (@chikidsfeeding) is a speech-language pathologist, feeding therapist, certified lactation counselor, and mom of 3.TikToker Catherine (@chikidsfeeding) is a speech-language pathologist, feeding therapist, certified lactation counselor, and mom of 3.she frequently posts videos sharing childcare tips, tricks, and resources.Recently, Catherine shared a mind-blowing hack to help kids kick the pacifier habit.In the video, Catherine demonstrates an effective method for “getting rid of that pesky pacifier”.The trick involves snipping off a bit from the top of the pacifier with a sharp pair of scissors.Over time, she recommends gradually cutting off more of the pacifier until there’s barely any left at the bottom.Catherine says your little one won’t be as satisfied by a pacifier with a hole in the top and will steadily lose interest.While pacifiers can help babies self-soothe and reduce the risk of SIDS, prolonged use can affect tooth and mouth development.Some toddlers naturally lose interest in their pacifiers, but no need to worry if your child needs extra help saying bye-bye to that binky.Fortunately, there’s a range of tips and methods, like this one, that can help children at varying stages of early life pull the plug on the pacifier