Customers' note to chef sparks debate: 'Cook it yourself!'
Customers' note to chef sparks debate: 'Cook it yourself!'

A customer's unusual request for their to-go order has sparked some polarizing opinions.In the Facebook group "Don't F With Your Server," people in foodservice submit stories about unruly customers.One server's submission has people talking after two patrons requested their takeout order be packed unconventionally.The note was typed up in a bold font with six steps and titled, "How to Prepare Alan & Karen's Burgers to Go".The note read: 1) All buns in one container.2) All meats in one container.

PLEASE burger patties as RARE as possible (Just brown each side).3) All veggies in one container4) All cheese in one container5) Of course fries in separate containers.6) Sauces or other items separate also.

THANK YOU!.It appeared that Alan and Karen maybe wanted to assemble the burgers themselves at home for some reason.Still, the internet was pretty divided about the unusual request."Sounds like they need to go to a grocery store," a person replied