TikTokers are rushing to read the text messages they never received
TikTokers are rushing to read the text messages they never received

TikTokers think they've found an archive of "unsent" text messages but there's a little more to it than that.It all started when someone posted a video claiming they searched their name on The Unsent Project.Now people are looking themselves up on the website and getting some pretty mixed results.The Unsent Project says it's a "collection of unsent text messages to first loves".It's not actually an archive of messages that people sent, then canceled right after.That would probably violate some privacy laws.The project is actually a lot morelike Post Secret, where people anonymously send in confessions.In the Unsent Project, people anonymously submit messages they wish they could have sent their exes.Some are loving and others are scathing.

Each message is addressed to the person's first name only.Thus, you can search your name and see if anyone out there is thinking of you (or a person with the same name at least).Many people with uncommon names have complained there are no entries for them.To find out if any messages are under your name visit The Unsent Project and type your name in the search bar