Triple Vaxxed Justin Trudeau Now Has Covid19 and Doubles Down on the Radical Racist Truckers Convoy
Triple Vaxxed Justin Trudeau Now Has Covid19 and Doubles Down on the Radical Racist Truckers Convoy

Well so much for 'Team Building'.

Earlier today Justin Trudeau came out of hiding and basically doubled down on the convoy truckers by calling them racists for waving a Nazi Swastika flag over the weekend and defacing a Terry Fox statue, urinating on the unknown soldier's tomb, and demanding food from a homeless soup kitchen in Ottawa.

The slightest incident of over 100,000 protesters in Ottawa has been played up by Trudeau and his cabinet and even NDP leader Jagmeet Singh was calling the truckers racist.

So now Justin Trudeau has painted all truckers with the same brush as you will see and hear in this video.

Trudeau has given the MSM their narrative to describe the truckers as Nazi sympathizers, radical right-wingers, and white racists.

Trudeau, double-downed and he double-downed on thousands of truckers.

We will see how that will play out.

On top of this Justin Trudeau announced that he has Covid19 and will be in quarantine as he told people to get vaccinated.

Does the vaccine even work, when triple vaxxed Trudeau was infected by his son?

How does that work?