Wag the Dog Set Up with Russia, Shaq Says Jab Shouldn't Be Forced 2/4/2022
Wag the Dog Set Up with Russia, Shaq Says Jab Shouldn't Be Forced 2/4/2022

Coming up on today's Headline News with Resistance Chicks!

Biden administration and US intelligence accuses Russia of a plan to release video depicting graphic scenes of a "staged false explosion with corpses, actors depicting mourners, and images of destroyed locations and military equipment to justify a military invasion of Ukraine.

Meanwhile Basketball great Shaq weighs in on mandates and says no man should be forced.

Republican Arizona governor hopeful Kari Lake takes on an ABC reporter beautifully about election fraud.

CA Gov Gavin Newsome and LA mayor Eric Garsetti came up with a bizarre excuse for taking his mask off for a photo with Magic Johnson... his reason: "I held my breath and their is zero percent chance of catching the virus that way...." Yes folks, they really think we are that stupid.

Read More: https://www.resistancechicks.com/news/wag-the-dog-set-up-with-russia-shaq-says-jab-shouldnt-be-forced/