Freedom Convoy Attacked: Frozen GoFundMe & Media's Lies | BJ Dichter | INTERNATIONAL | Rubin Report
Freedom Convoy Attacked: Frozen GoFundMe & Media's Lies | BJ Dichter | INTERNATIONAL | Rubin Report

Dave Rubin of “The Rubin Report” talks to BJ Dichter, spokesman for the freedom convoy about the freezing of their GoFundMe page, how vaccine passports are being used as tracking devices, and if Justin Trudeau will back down on vaccine mandates and mask mandates.

First, BJ explains what is really going on with their GoFundMe page and what the mainstream media is constantly getting wrong about the controversy.

Next, BJ explains the two simple demands of the truckers in the convoy.

Finally, BJ shares some very positive signs and what you can do to help the truckers in their fight against vaccine mandates.