Trudeau’s Trucker Crackdown, Ukraine/Russia War Lust, Guests: Frances Martel & Patrick K. O’Donnell
Trudeau’s Trucker Crackdown, Ukraine/Russia War Lust, Guests: Frances Martel & Patrick K. O’Donnell

Host Alex Marlow opens today’s podcast with another Ukraine/Russia war hype update.

Russia-backed forces slightly increased the shelling of a region of Ukraine that is not Kiev, yet the American media, NATO, and the Big Joey administration all consider this evidence that Putin is about to try to take Kiev.

This has led our geriatric president to announce that he would meet with Putin, no doubt allowing the Russian dictator to ask for all sorts of things he wasn’t otherwise going to get.

But there is only one problem: Putin might not even be interested in meeting Biden anyway.

Let’s go, Brandon!