Mark Hamill Loses It After Falling for Insane Democrat Propaganda | Direct Message | Rubin Report
Mark Hamill Loses It After Falling for Insane Democrat Propaganda | Direct Message | Rubin Report

Dave Rubin of “The Rubin Report” talks about Star Wars star Mark Hamill having a Twitter meltdown over Florida’s “Don't Say Gay” bill.

Democrats have renamed the “Parental Rights in Education” bill the “Don't Say Gay” bill to outright lie and mislead Americans into thinking that the bill is something it isn’t.

Hamill as well as Democrats like Gary Farmer and Shevrin Jones of the Trevor Project don’t seem to have actually read the bill which forbids the instruction of sex education and gender identity in grades kindergarten through third grade.

That doesn’t stop Shevrin Jones from having a hysterical reaction on CNN where he is worried about the safety of LGBTQ youth.

Dave also does a special “ask me anything” question-and-answer session on a wide-ranging host of topics, answering questions from the Rubin Report Locals community.