Portugal: Wars of Liberty (Age of Empires 3 Mod) Let's Play
Portugal: Wars of Liberty (Age of Empires 3 Mod) Let's Play

In Wars of Liberty various factions/civilizations that were included in the original AOE 3 and it's expansions have received editing, Portugal is one of them.

Portugal when it advances in age gets a free naval unit that is unique to it called the Lorcha whose voice lines are sometimes Chinese and sometimes Portugese.

Other unique units for Portugal include Ordenança (militia armed with a spear), Caçadores (Skirmisher unit, name literally is plural for the Portugese word for hunter, not to be confused with the Spanish word "caca" which is poop), Guard Ultramarino (which can be upgraded to a Imperial version of itself) which is good against Spies, Explorers, Mercenaries and Native Warriors.

Portugal is also capable of choosing Catholicism, Judaism, and Laicism as a religion.