Creating Treebard's Assertions & Sources Dialog 082
Creating Treebard's Assertions & Sources Dialog 082

In this video: This video and the prior video comprise a mini-series on making a custom Toykiner Checkbox widget to use in place of the Checkbutton widget that comes with Tkinter.

To go straight to the assertions dialog code, just skip these two videos.

Binding a Label to a mouse click to dynamically display text in the Label.

Adding inner padding to a Label between the text and the edge of the Label.

Tkinter `StringVar()` and the Label's `textvariable` option.

The Label's `text` option can't be configured with the `configure()` method if the `textvariable` option is used with the Label.

Toggling a Label's text on and off with mouse and key press events.

Adding a function in the app to prove that the Checkbox can be used.

Looping over values of Tkinter variables stored in a dictionary.

Adding a new Treebard widget class in so the color scheme functionality will work with it.

Python class-level variables vs.

Instance-level variables.