Creating Treebard's Assertions & Sources Dialog 080
Creating Treebard's Assertions & Sources Dialog 080

In this video: GUI design changes to make the layout as efficient and attractive as possible.

Telling Tkinter which column should expand into extra space with `grid_columnconfigure()`.

Changing the order of tabs in a TabBook.

Creating, deleting, and moving columns in the assertions tables of the assertions tab.

Constructing a column of Tkinter Checkbuttons.

Tkinter's Checkbutton has way too much space around it for use in a table row; no way is found to change this very much.

Making borders in Tkinter.

Discussion on how current trends in GUI design, heavy with thumbnails, give websites a comicbook-like appearance with too much vertical scrolling needed to get the big picture.

Planning how to make a Toykinter Checkbox to use instead of Tkinter Checkbutton.

More desirable features of Notepad++ vs.

Other text editors.

Making a rudimentary Tkinter app in a Python file.