Dr Taylor Marshall
Dr Taylor Marshall

Do you want to get saved and go to heaven when you die, or when the rapture happens?

You need to realize you do not deserve heaven.

We need to be perfect to go to heaven.

We all deserve hell and we need to humble ourselves to accept this fact.

Jesus, being the only begotten Son of God, loved you enough to trade lives with you.

He took your onto Himself with all your sins and shed His blood to take away the punishment for you and take that blood to cleanse you of your sins.

He raised from the dead three days later to justifiy you and give you His life in exchange.

His perfect, sinless, righteous life.

You just need to believe this in your heart.

Believe that God loves you and wants to spend eternity with you.

Drop down to your knees and pray to Jesus now to save your retched soul and accept Him as your savior and thank Him for His love and forgiveness.