Episode 931: A Souls Worth
Episode 931: A Souls Worth

After Christmas many people feel sad or lost.

It’s as if they never changed from their Childhood.

But we should actually be focusing on the souls worth.

The day after Christmas should be joyous and mostly focused on our soul and the state of our soul.

A Souls worth?

Today we never hear about a soul worth instead you hear about my truth, my life, my way.

Well, what happen to the soul and the importance of the soul or the worth of a soul.

What is a soul worth.

I want to provide this first episode after Christmas focusing on exactly why Christ came into this world.

Which was to save souls.

He didn’t come so we could find our own individual truth.

He surely didn’t endure the passion for us to live our lives our way.


He died so we could gain salvation (Heaven) and so our souls could once again be united with his Father in heaven.