Chip Roy talks about $1.7 trillion monstrosity bill
Chip Roy talks about $1.7 trillion monstrosity bill

Chip Roy: "Well, good evening, Sean.

Merry Christmas.Great to be on.And look where to begin in terms of our concerns about this bill.

$1.7 trillion.4100 pages dropped on us.You got a day to look at it, a day to pour over.And as you said, all of our staffs were digging through it.

My staff.We went through it.Notably, there is actual language in the bill that prohibits the use of the funding for the Border Patrol, for the Homeland Security to be used By Border Patrol to secure the border.Yet you have 18 Republican senators who go ahead and say, yeah, I'm going to side with Democrats.I'm going to vote for this lousy bill that's going to hamstring our ability to use the power of the purse, to demand that Biden secure the border and deal that crisis and ignore the fact that they're actually hamstring them further.