The True Story Behind Donald Trump's 2016 Election - PART VIII
The True Story Behind Donald Trump's 2016 Election - PART VIII

This video covers the fall and winter of 2013-14 into March 2014 and the intentional Ebola scare, Obama's initial sanctions against Russia and the incompetent "resaerch" into me and my background that is typical of clown networks like CNBC and the rest of American corporate mainstream media.

The Ebola incident also encouraged the CIA to order Obama to pull back from "gain of function" research in China - only to start everything up again when the CIA decided to oust Trump before he was even inaugurated in January 2017.

As you'll see at the end of this video and the start of the next video, CNBC was out of their league when they agreed to get involved in the situation between myself, Larry and Josh.

The incident mentioned at the end of this video occurred on live television, as did many of the events of 2014 involving myself - on a variety of networks - so there will be video evidence of these events that are mentioned in this video and later videos covering 2014.

Btw, this video introduces two Individuals: Seema Mody and Ronak Shah.

Seema still works at CNBC today and Ronak Shah is a clown that I unfortunately helped as a kid because I was raised by my folks and those around me to help others who cannot help themselves.

This is also the incident that encourages others like HBO, Waldo from England (John Oliver) and Bill Maher (resident octogenarian at TimeWarner) to start coming after me as well - utilizing their programming to do so.