The Rundown live #894 - Mexico Bans Chemtrails, Schools Eats Bugs, Pfizer Video, Liquid Robot
The Rundown live #894 - Mexico Bans Chemtrails, Schools Eats Bugs, Pfizer Video, Liquid Robot

Canada: Judge Drops Case Against Guards who Killed a Woman for Not Wearing a Mask, Crushed Bug "Additive" Is Now Included In Pizza, Pasta, & Cereals Across The EU, Mexico Becomes First Nation To Admit Harms Of Geoengineering, Halts Future Experiments, Researchers reveal shapeshifting humanoid robots that can turn themselves into liquid, Pfizer R&D Exec Claims He Lied About "Mutating COVID" To "Impress A Date Like Normal People", COVID-19 Vaccines Are Not Associated with Sudden Death” – FDA, Cardiovascular deaths saw steep rise in U.S. during first year of the COVID-19 pandemic, National Archives Demands Obama, Bush, Cheney, Clinton, Gore to Check Personal Records for Classified Docs and more.