DJT: CPAC BOOMS - IRS, Podesta, Gov't TRUTHS - Seeking Truth Always - Live Podcast - 3-8-23
DJT: CPAC BOOMS - IRS, Podesta, Gov't TRUTHS - Seeking Truth Always - Live Podcast - 3-8-23

On this edition of my 'Seeking Truth Always' Podcast, I will be sharing the video clip I didn't have access to on my last live podcast about the TRUTH on January 20, 2021, the day of the FAKE inauguration of the 'Resident'.

You will see in a live video the REAL weather that day during the inauguration, 25 degrees, cloudy, snow, and COLD.

I will also show you a video clip of what the world saw that day with a VERY SUNNY & VERY BLUE sky, so bright, in fact, the 'Resident' was squinting in the 'Sun', which was broadcast from the FAKE news Main Stream Media on ALL of their channels when they LIED to the American People that day and the world.