Las Cruces Anti-Vaxx Rally PLUS Clips From Compromising Evangelicals Pushing Vaxx
Las Cruces Anti-Vaxx Rally PLUS Clips From Compromising Evangelicals Pushing Vaxx

From NO-VAXX RALLY August 2021 Las Cruces New Mexico where we met one pastor and there were many medical professionals protesting the unfair illegal forced experimentations that have been foisted upon families who want to remain in this society...also clips of EVANGELICAL PASTORS PROMOTING THE VAXX w/a Special Prophetic message by Rob Conrad in Atlanta Georgia concerning lack of true ministry of Christ & "Acts 19" churches...AND FINALLY clips of warnings from Tulsa Oklahoma in 2009 during H1N1 and how it applies today and a clip of Trump's OPERATION WARPSPEED PROGRAM (NOT BIDEN'S)...