Daily Wire Vs Twitter/Kelly Cadigan’s Right-Wing Trans Grift Fail | The Whiskey Capitalist | 6.5.23
Daily Wire Vs Twitter/Kelly Cadigan’s Right-Wing Trans Grift Fail | The Whiskey Capitalist | 6.5.23

Tonight, we discuss the situation that arose from Twitter’s (now fired) Head of Trust and Safety, Ella Irwin, deciding to censor the Daily Wire’s one-day release of the culture shaking documentary “What Is A Woman”.

Matt Walsh and the DW crew, as well as the whole right side of Twitter, raised hell and Elon Musk ended up allowing it to be uncensored, with some caveats.

We fully discuss this and the subsequent firings that happened as a result of this freedom of speech violation.

We also discuss Transgender (transwoman) content creator Kelly Cadigan, who had some very interesting comments over the past couple months and was grifting to the right leaning social media sphere.

Kelly has now said that she(he) is left without a home because of things being said online.

It’s almost as if there is a mental issue going on or something…