What Do Other New Testament Books Say About Jesus? (Ehrman's "Did Jesus Exist?" Part 4)
What Do Other New Testament Books Say About Jesus? (Ehrman's "Did Jesus Exist?" Part 4)

In this series exploring the evidence presented in the book "Did Jesus Exist?" by Bart Ehrman, Adam discusses the historical usefulness of New Testament books besides the Gospels that were not written by Paul.

This would include books such as the book of Acts, Hebrews, 1 and 2 Peter, Jude, Revelation, and 1-3 John.

As Ehrman demonstrates, these books can be treated as early, independent sources that contain many corroborating details about the life of Jesus and how He was viewed by His followers.

Some of these books even contain material that predates the books themselves, going back much earlier to a time closer to Jesus' death.

Many of these books contain attestation that Jesus was a miracle worker and that He rose from the dead, but can historians believe that?

Are miracle claims even open to historical investigation?