WEED WEDNESDAY | Hunter Biden's LEGAL LIMBO, California's Population Plateau + Brad Young LIVE!
WEED WEDNESDAY | Hunter Biden's LEGAL LIMBO, California's Population Plateau + Brad Young LIVE!

Get ready for a Wednesday episode that's smoking hot with the latest headlines you won't hear anywhere else!

Hunter Biden's plea deal on the edge of collapse?

We're digging deep into the explosive developments that could change everything!

Radioactive testing in St.

Charles County?

US Sen.

Josh Hawley demands answers!

California's population stagnation?

Find out why the Golden State won't be growing anytime soon!

Brace yourself for a star-studded lineup of guests!

At 8:30 AM, we have the dynamic duo Kathy Helbig-Strick & Steve Strick of Experience Realty Partners & NEUAGE Health & Wellness!

And at 9:00 AM, legal expert Brad Young from Harris, Dowell, Fisher & Young joins us to discuss the scorching situation the Hunter Biden legal team is facing!

It's not over yet!

At 9:30 AM, our favorite cannabis connoisseur Eric Masters from Greenlight Dispensary is back for our weekly Weed Wednesday talk!