Brook Jackson Interview - Pfizer Trial Reveals Big Pharma (Includes FDA/CDC) Seen As Too Big To Fail
Brook Jackson Interview - Pfizer Trial Reveals Big Pharma (Includes FDA/CDC) Seen As Too Big To Fail

Joining me once again today is Brook Jackson, the Pfizer/Ventavia whistleblower who revealed documented safety concerns at the end of 2020 that directly undermined the legitimacy of the trial's data which is still used to this day to claim these injections are "safe & effective".

In two previous interviews with The Last American Vagabond, Brook exposed what she saw during Pfizer's clinical trial conducted by Ventavia.

Brook revealed how the corporate media and the pharmaceutical companies ignored the verifiable information she presented (links included in the above interviews) and actively took action to cover it up.

Within our first interview, Brook publicly shared (for the first time) the evidence that proves the allegations.

Since that time, not only has the information presented in our December 2021 interview been vindicated, but the world has become starkly aware of why it was so important, and why the controlled corporate media has only ever tried to hide it.

Which is why both Pfizer and the US government have since so desperately tried to get this case dismissed, and in the process, have inadvertently admitted to the original discoveries exposed by Brook Jackson.

This is the face of institutionalized corruption within the pharmaceutical industry.