Yeshua's Narrow Way - The Sermon on the Mount - Life in the Kingdom - Matthew 7
Yeshua's Narrow Way - The Sermon on the Mount - Life in the Kingdom - Matthew 7

The Son of God came to earth to bring counsel to the wise (see Lk 1:17).

In the sermon on the mount He tells us about the way of life that most people never find - only the truly wise ever find it.

It is the way to a quality of life that cannot be obtained by any other path.

It is not popular, because it demands qualities of character that most people never develop.

In fact, those very qualities are scorned by the world.

Most people would rather go after what they want, with little to no thought about what their Heavenly Father wants for them.

Yeshua's narrow way requires exactly the opposite attitude - an attitude of giving up your own life to live the life He has planned for you.

Who is going to do that!

"Few" He says, and few it is.