It's Bigger Than Epstein: Child Trafficking Rescuer Lois Lee & John McKinney Speak – Ask Dr. Drew
It's Bigger Than Epstein: Child Trafficking Rescuer Lois Lee & John McKinney Speak – Ask Dr. Drew

Over 10,000 children have been saved from forced prostitution by Lois Lee and her organization "Children Of The Night".

Her heroic work inspired a 1985 movie, a song by Richard Marx, and multiple awards including the Volunteer Action Award from Pres.


••「 CALL IN & LINKS: 」•• With LA District Attorney candidate John McKinney, the legendary Dr. Lois Lee discusses the "Sound Of Freedom" movie, her organization's ongoing battles against human slavery, why Jeffrey Epstein was only the tip of a more sinister iceberg, and how to help kids who are at risk of being targeted by traffickers.