Nov 15, 2023-Watchman News-Psalm 119:143-Nile River turns Blood Red, 13 Months in Calendar and More!
Nov 15, 2023-Watchman News-Psalm 119:143-Nile River turns Blood Red, 13 Months in Calendar and More!

Nov 15, 2023 - Watchman News - Psalm 119:143 - Nile River Begins Turning Blood Red, Vertical Escalation: With RPO-A Shmel and Kornet-EM Thermobaric Missiles Hezbollah Forces - Multiple IDF Targets Hit - SIGINT-ELINT Network Destroyed, Finland considering closing all border crossings with Russia, prime minister says, National Guard deployed to DC as tens of thousands are expected for pro-Israel rally, Hackers claim world’s largest bank paid ransom over cyberattack, Russia backing Burkina Faso’s fight against deadly disease, True Calendar of Elohim (Jesus Christ) by the Sun and Moon (Month of Chesvan) and More!