Democrats Who Say 'Walls Don't Work'… Built Walls Throughout San Francisco To Protect The Elite
Democrats Who Say 'Walls Don't Work'… Built Walls Throughout San Francisco To Protect The Elite

We found 'em!

Ever since Gavin Newsom moved hundreds of fentanyl-addled homeless squatters so that there would be a pretty backdrop to kiss the ring of Chinese Dictator for Life Xi Jinping and other "fancy leaders," the question everyone has been asking is: where did they go?

The people who claim that 1) walls don't work, and, 2) walls are racist erected walls to keep out the homeless addicts while the meetings continue through Friday are liberal.

City Hall, the Governor's Mansion, and the White House pretended not to notice the irony.

Democrats in San Francisco, the same people who have argued in the past that walls don’t work, have built impressive walls throughout San Francisco to protect the elite.