Creatures of Habit: Breaking the Habits Holding You Back from God’s Best - Steve Poe
Creatures of Habit: Breaking the Habits Holding You Back from God’s Best - Steve Poe

“You cannot get rid of a bad habit unless you acknowledge that you have a bad habit,” shares Steve Poe, a retired pastor and the author of Creatures of Habit: Breaking the Habits Holding You Back from God’s Best.

Steve addresses how to remove bad habits from our lives and replace them with good and godly ones.

You have to be intentional to break those bad habits in your life because a large portion of our day-to-day activities are habit-based!

Ask yourself if your habits are good or bad.

Do your habits make you more like Christ or do they make you less like Christ?

Anything that takes us away from the nature of Christ is a stronghold from the enemy.

A good way to break a bad habit is to replace it with something positive and life-giving.