The Truth About Domestic Violence with Lisa Stiers, PacWest Defense
The Truth About Domestic Violence with Lisa Stiers, PacWest Defense

Lisa grew up with firearms, having shot her first gun at age 5, with her dad’s help.

Lisa purchased a gun for self-defense at age 25, after being in an abusive relationship.

She eventually let her permit expire.

In 2010, after multiple close call situations while living in the Portland area, Lisa decided to purchase a handgun again, for personal protection and everyday carry.

She began regular training with her firearm and eventually came across a ladies-only group that she began shooting with.

After shooting for a few years, Lisa began teaching friends how to shoot.

Lisa quickly realized she had a knack for working with people and a passion for helping others learn to protect themselves.

She decided to focus her energy on teaching other civilians how to defend themselves.

In 2018, Lisa established her company, Pacwest Defense Firearms Training.

That year she also began working part-time as a range safety officer and instructor at a local gun club, actively teaching with the club’s practical application team.

She helps teach a new member evaluation class that focuses on marksmanship and safety, as well as Handgun Fundamentals, Action Shooting Fundamentals, Action Range Certification classes, Concealed Handgun Classes, and more.

In 2019 Lisa began volunteering her time as a co-leader with another female instructor for her local ladies-only shooting group.

In May 2020, Lisa began working full-time as the Chief Range Safety Officer at the same gun club.

She now manages a team of 20 RSO's and has brought multiple women onto that team.

In addition to this, Lisa has continued teaching, while also expanding her knowledge and skills as a shooter and instructor.

In 2021 Lisa became a Chapter Facilitator for A Girl & a Gun where she hosts sessions in Sherwood, OR.

In her spare time, Lisa enjoys shooting at local competitions, focusing primarily on Speed Steel and IDPA.