CLASS #348: You Want to Talk ‘Conspiracy?’ OK, Let’s Talk CLINTON!
CLASS #348: You Want to Talk ‘Conspiracy?’ OK, Let’s Talk CLINTON!

It's 'Conspiracy Theory' Thursday: the day we set aside to look at a specific 'conspiracy theory' and decide whether it is just a cook idea or maybe there might be something to it that 'They' don't want us to consider.

Today's 'theory' is more of a litany of accusations than a conspiracy.

Today, we will look at the list of charges that have been levied against the Clintons since before the time that Bill Clinton was elected Governor of Arkansas.

If you were not politically aware in the 1990's, you might not be aware of these accusations.

Trust us, there is more here than just 'theory.' We hope you'll join us to find out why we say this.