Democrats’ Taylor Swift Voting Gayop Gets Exposed, Left Does Damage Control and Still Can’t Meme
Democrats’ Taylor Swift Voting Gayop Gets Exposed, Left Does Damage Control and Still Can’t Meme

The Democrats had planned for Taylor Swift to “organically” endorse Joe Biden to her fanatic Swifties hoping it will sway the election.

They planned for this to happen at the Superbowl because for some reason they believe there is some sort of crossover between the Swifties and the hardcore football fanatics as part of this.

Which of course conservatives and the alternative media called this out for what it was and that of course led to major damage control from the Left in the Legacy Media.

And in their doing this, they decided to push retarded conspiracy theories that the MAGA crowd supposedly believe in which in turn caused the Democrats’ retarded gayop to be exposed.