"Dynamite" (13December1929) A Cecil B DeMille Photoplay
"Dynamite" (13December1929) A Cecil B DeMille Photoplay

Coal miner Hagon Derk is sentenced to hang for murder.

His only concern is for his young sister Katie, who will be left all alone.

Frivolous socialite Cynthia Crothers has her own troubles.

By the terms of her grandfather's will, if she is not married by her twenty-third birthday (only a month away), she will not inherit his millions and will be left penniless.

She is "engaged" to Roger Towne, but he is married to Marcia.

Marcia has her own lover, Marco, and is willing to grant Roger a divorce ... for the right price.

The two women haggle behind Roger's back and settle on $100,000.