Theology, Doctrine, Dogma | Inside the Faith Loop
Theology, Doctrine, Dogma | Inside the Faith Loop

So, Theology, the study of God!

What have we learned?

In the past two thousand years we have concluded with our study that you cannot comprehend, understand, or hold the knowledge of God.

Rom 1:19 Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them.

So, why do we continue in the study of God?

What are the doctrines that have been shown to us that will manifest in mankind that which may be known of God?

How many Dogmas have been set in place to dictate the course of the believer?

But to what end?

Is this not the question?

We have abandoned our pursuit of the truth relating to being in the image and likeness of our Father for the pursuit of Christian theology.

Will we repent?