The Common Tern: Close Up HD Footage (Sterna hirundo)
The Common Tern: Close Up HD Footage (Sterna hirundo)

The Common Tern is a seabird that's widespread across Europe, Asia, and North America.

These birds are quite small, with a length of around 33-35 cm and a wingspan of 76-86 cm.

They have a distinctive black cap, red legs, and a forked tail.

During the breeding season, their plumage is a lovely pale grey above and white below, with a black cap.

Outside of the breeding season, their cap is just a black streak.

These terns feed mainly on small fish, which they catch by plunging into the water from the air.

They nest on the ground, often in colonies, laying 2-3 eggs.

Common Terns migrate long distances, wintering in coastal areas as far south as the Antarctic.