Evolution of suffrage after the US revolution | HBR Talk 310
Evolution of suffrage after the US revolution | HBR Talk 310

As we discussed last week, the US revolution, planned though it was, was a desperate fight for liberty.

The country’s battle involved conscription from the beginning.

The revolutionary army, mostly comprised of grown men, also included many boys in important capacities that made them targets of the British military, a few as young as 7.

Women followed their family members in the revolutionary army, and acted in support capacities.

A few, in desperate situations, took up arms and fought.

And then what happened?

That’s what we’re discussing this week on HBR Talk.

The discussion streams at 7PM on Thursday, May 23, 2024, or you can find other viewing and listening options at honeybadgerbrigade.com in the dropdown menu at the top of the page.