Stellar Blade Just Took PSVR2 to NEW LEVELS
Stellar Blade Just Took PSVR2 to NEW LEVELS

In this Stellar Blade review, I delve into why this game on the PS5 has earned the title of my Game of the Year for 2024 despite being a dedicated PSVR2 VR gamer.

Join me as I explore how Stellar Blade is revolutionizing the gaming industry, paving the way for a new era beyond traditional flat screen gaming.

I discuss the future of gaming, the impact of wokeness and the culture war on gaming, censorship issues surrounding Stellar Blade, and why virtual reality is poised to be the ultimate gaming experience.

Discover how my gaming experience was transformed after acquiring the PSVR2, making my gameplay more immersive and therapeutic.

I share insights on how virtual reality can enhance not just gaming, but also everyday life, offering cost-effective entertainment and content control for all, including non-gamers.

Don't miss out on the next level of gaming in 2024!