This Is The True History Of 1000 Year Old San Francisco A Real Tartarian Cities
This Is The True History Of 1000 Year Old San Francisco A Real Tartarian Cities

True History Of 1000 Year Old City Called "Golden Gate" And Later Named San Francisco, Calif.

A Real Atlanteans And Or A Tartarian Cities And Who Really Built It After The 1000 Years Rapture Millennial Kingdom of Jesus Christ... Thereby highlighting the fact that were supposed to believe that these massive, and highly intricate stone buildings were made at a time when all we had were horse drawn carriages with relatively flimsy wooden wheels.

How are people with flimsy wooden carriages supposed to lug around tons and tons of stone and tools from the quarries to the sites, without killing their animals, and hiring massive groups of men to be able to have the strength to transport and assemble these incredibly tall and heavy stone pieces.