WhatsApp on the Privacy Concerns: You Are Not Affected



The WhatsApp exodus is real, with millions of users making the switch to alternatives like Telegram and Signal due to the company admitting it’d start sharing data with Facebook in early February. Most users were concerned their conversations would be accessed by Facebook and other companies, and in a detailed article published today, WhatsApp explains what exactly is supposed to happen next month. More specifically, WhatsApp says end users are not affected by the new privacy policy, as the changes only concern the interactions with businesses. In other words, data would be collected only when you reach out to a business, so the conversations between end users are not in any way affected. “We can’t see your private messages or hear your calls, and neither can Facebook: Neither WhatsApp nor Facebook can read your messages or hear your calls with your friends, family, and co-workers on WhatsApp. Whatever you share, it stays between you. That’s because your personal ...

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