Today’s best iOS + Mac app deals: Absolute Drift, Rush Rally 3, GoCoEdit, more

Today’s best iOS + Mac app deals: Absolute Drift, Rush Rally 3, GoCoEdit, more



It’s Thursday morning and that means it’s time for all of today’s best Mac and iOS app deals. After seeing an all-time low on the new M1 Mac mini this morning, we also saw a huge Parallels Desktop 16 promotion bundled with 1Password and Fantastical at up to *$700 off*. But for now, we are turning our attention to Apple’s digital storefronts and all of today’s most notable price drops on games and apps. Highlights include titles like Absolute Drift, Rush Rally 3, GoCoEdit, Beat Cop, Evoland, Controlax Pro, and more. Hit the jump for a closer look. 


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