Users Want More Start Menu Settings in Windows 11



Windows 11 comes with a completely new Start menu as compared to Windows 10, this time giving up on the live tiles and going for a cleaner approach inspired by Windows 10X. While this is something that many users already love, others want the Start menu to come with more customization options, including a way to resize it. Furthermore, the recommended section in the Start menu makes little sense for some, but unfortunately, Microsoft isn’t offering any options to disable it and make room for more apps that are installed on the device. A post in the Windows Feedback Hub already has more than 2,300 upvotes, with users explaining that while the current Start menu is already an evolution over the Windows 10 version, it still needs additional refinements to be ready for prime time. “I think the Start menu looks pretty good but its absolutely MASSIVE and icons are way too spaced out. Being able to resize it, and remove the ‘Recommended’ area would make it much better. ...

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