Apple to Use Software Gimmick to Make iPhone 14 Pro Cutout More Consistent



Apple’s upcoming iPhone 14 lineup will include a major change on the Pro and the Pro Max models: the two devices will drop the notch and will come with a cutout similar to the one already available on several Android devices. iPhone 14 Pro and iPhone 14 Pro Max will therefore come with two different cutouts in the screen – one that resembles a circle and a slightly longer pill-shaped second one. The pill and hole cutouts will therefore replace the notch and increase the available screen estate on the iPhone, with Apple planning to keep the notch on the standard iPhone 14 and iPhone 14 Max. But according to a report from MacRumors, the Cupertino-based tech giant is planning to use a software optimization that would make the two cutouts look as one when the device is unlocked. In other words, when you unlock the iPhone, what you’re going to see is a single long pill-shape...

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