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Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Elephant creates panic among locals during COVID-19 lockdown in eastern India

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Elephant creates panic among locals during COVID-19 lockdown in eastern India
Elephant creates panic among locals during COVID-19 lockdown in eastern India

The presence of a wild elephant in a neighbourhood triggered panic among locals in the eastern Indian state of West Bengal.

The incident took place in Jhargram district on April 22.

The presence of a wild elephant in a neighbourhood triggered panic among locals in the eastern Indian state of West Bengal.

The incident took place in Jhargram district on April 22.

According to reports, the elephant strayed away from the surrounding forest in search of food.

Footage shows the pachyderm moving through a market area as locals shriek in fear.

Another video shows a group of people shouting and chasing the animal in an effort to drive it back to the forest.

With the situation getting tensed, a joint team of policemen and forest department officials rushed to the spot and chased the elephant away.

The presence of the pachyderm also forced several locals to come out of their house, thus breaking lockdown protocols put in place to contain the spread of the deadly novel coronavirus disease.

This has prompted forest department officials to initiate an investigation pertaining to the elephant's arrival.

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