5 Foods You Can Grow in a Container Garden
5 Foods You Can Grow in a Container Garden

5 Foods You Can Grow in a Container Garden 1.

Peppers Use a container that's about 14 to 16 inches deep and secure with twine to keep upright.


Scallions Place the roots of store-bought scallions in a jar with an inch of water for a week.

After the roots grow, remove the greens and plant the stem in soil.


Radishes Scatter seeds over soil and cover lightly.

After one week, thin the seeds to about one plant for every 2 inches of soil.


Herbs Water once a week.

Keep in a sunny spot inside or outside and feed fertilizer once a month.


Peas Snap peas are good to plant in early spring as they thrive in cooler weather and can withstand light frost.