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Sunday, June 9, 2024

State Senator Wants Testing, Isolation At Schools

Credit: WAAY ABC Huntsville, AL
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State Senator Wants Testing, Isolation At Schools
State Senator Wants Testing, Isolation At Schools

Alabama's senate minority leader, Bobby Singleton, says kids shouldn't be back in class until we have better answers on how to combat coronavirus.

Of 1,921.

In less than half an hour - north alabama's biggest school district is set to share its plans for the fall semester.

At this point - we do know huntsville city schools plans to offer some form of traditional learning.

We're still waiting to learn how the district will operate under c-d-c guidelines.

It's a challenge - districts across the state are facing - and alabama's senate minority leader says kids shouldn't be back in class until we have those answers.

Waay-31s alexis scott spoke with him - to learn what he believes the state school board should do to protect kids.

Senate minority leader bobby singleton has a 3-step plan for the state education department... have nursing stations separate from the school to isolate everyone - require coronavirus testing - and hire more nurses in rural areas..

He says these will keep schools from becoming hotspots for the virus.

Bobby singleton, senate minority leader "it may not fit everybody but at least it's a standard uniformity that we'll set up and then if we have to deviate from that, at least we know we have a standard," bobby singleton is the senate minority leader in the state legislature.

He told me he sent a plan to the governor's office explaining how every district could cut down on the spread of the virus in the classroom.

It calls for 50-thousand dollar nursing stations and isolation rooms in every school, purchasing testing machines that could process half a million tests over the school year, and hiring about 300 nurses so that every school has one.

He asked the governor to fund the plan with nearly 150- million dollars from the cares act.

He thinks the rest could be covered by grants - with no costs to taxpayers.

Singleton told me parents across the state are frustrated with the lack of planning by the state board of education just one month before school starts - and this option gives the state the option to be proactive.

Bobby singleton, senate minority leader "that gives us a chance to say that the kids who walk through that door, even if they do touch or what have you after we're through cleaning and all, that the probability of them carrying something back home is slim to none," districts in north alabama have said there will be random temperature checks... social distancing ... and some blended learning options.

But we're waiting to learn how these rules will be reinforced... especially with younger children.

Singleton is hopeful the education department will be in favor of his plan - so he can put parents minds at ease - while assuring students get the best education possible... safely.

Bobby singleton, senate minority leader "we want to be able to address that and make sure that when that child comes in, we can give them the best learning environment and a safe environment that they can," not shot yet singleton told me he plans on speaking before the state school board next tuesday to ask them to look at the plan or come up with a similar plan to ensure students safety.

Reporting in huntsville, alexis scott waay-31 news.

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