Watch: Dikshant parade of IPS probationers at SVP National Police Academy in Hyderabad
Watch: Dikshant parade of IPS probationers at SVP National Police Academy in Hyderabad

Dikshant Parade was conducted on September 4 at Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel National Police Academy in Hyderabad.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi will also interact with IPS probationers during the Dikshant Parade at 11 am.

131 IPS probationers including 28 lady probationers have completed 42 weeks of basic course phase-I training at the academy.

During the basic course training at SVP NPA, probationers undergo training in various indoor and outdoor subjects like law, investigation, forensics, leadership and management, criminology, public order and internal security, ethics and human rights, modern Indian policing, fieldcraft and tactics, weapon training and firing.